Wednesday, 18 September 2013


The quest for effective sexual performance by some people, especially male adults have created a phenomenon where every substance - natural or artificial is now considered an aphrodisiac. In Ghana to be precise, it isn't  rare to find yourself at the market or shopping centers without being manipulated or influenced to purchase one aphrodisiac or the other. One needs not to approach the market to purchase a drug for sexual enhancement. The media of today through the channels of  television, radio, newspaper, internet adverts and colleagues have made common knowledge of various kinds of aphrodisiacs and its accessibility.
 An aphrodisiac is a drug or a substance that stimulates sexual desire, according to the Food and Drug Administration of the United States body, an aphrodisiac is any food, drink, drug, scent, or device that promoters claim can arouse or increase sexual desire or libido.
 The name aphrodisiac comes from Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of sexuality and love.
Aphrodisiacs are portrayed  in numerous  exhibitions in the commercial industry.Throughout the  history of mankind,"Aphrodite" had had the uncompromising reputation of being associated with an un-forgetful  and reminiscing  sexual experience. The lists of aphrodisiacs include anchovies and adrenaline, licorice and lard, scallops and Spanish fly including innumerable and other forms such as chocolates, oysters, etc.
Aphrodisiacs are commonly used by aged males and females who for a number of health reasons may lack the ability to perform sexually and will need some of these sexual products to  boost their sexual performance. Surprisingly the situation has taken an ironical phase in the sense that, today the exploitation of aphrodisiacs has no boundary regarding age limit. 
Meanwhile  according to health practitioner’s aphrodisiacs operate on the brain and most of the drugs principally ease certain mental conditions. However, health practitioners have indicated that one might develop side effects with continuous use.
In Ghana a locally brewed alcoholic drink known as “Atemuda” is one major aphrodisiac used by men to enhance sexual performance. Others include “Agya Appiah Bitters”, “Angel Natural Capsules”,Ogidigidi”, Tuentini, Black Diamond Cream and several others. They mix different kinds of these drinks which is locally named "Concoction"believing that these mixture will either make the penis big, increase sperms or long lasting sexual intercourse.
Many Ghanians do not look at the effects but rather endanger themselves by mixing some of these various types of aphrodisiac stated above. Some health complications such as sexual problems, infertility and many others have been identified as side effects of using aphrodisiacs.Ghanians also have a misconception that by the use of these local aphrodisiacs they can be able to maintain their girlfriends and wives; this has been a major stigma that is misleading lots of men into taking these aphrodisiacs.  
  Indeed the dangers of the use of aphrodisiacs among the Ghanaian youth have far reaching consequences in the present and in future.