The quest continues. Looking at what are considered Aphrodisiacs ,it can be
divided into agents that can be classified as “love-potions” – a drink, a
substance combined with ritual supposed to have the magic power to make the
drinker fall in love with a specified person, mood enhancers and psychoactive
drugs, and substances that increase libido and sexual potency, and sexual
stamina, for instance "TUENTINI"

“AKPETESHIE”is a home-brewed alcoholic spirit produced in Ghana and other West African nations by distilling palm wine or sugar cane juice. Another name for this drink is “APIO”.
The name "AKPETESHIE" was
given to the drink with its prohibition: the word comes from a Ga language
spoken in greater Accra and means "they are hiding," referring to the
secretive way in which non-European inhabitants were forced to consume the
beverage. Despite being outlawed, illicit spirits remained commonplace, with
reports that even schoolboys were able to easily obtain “AKPETESHEI” through the 1930s. Demand for “AKPETESHIE” and the profits to be made from its sale was enough to
encourage the spread of sugar cane cultivation in the Anlo region of Ghana.

The sweetened liquid or wine that comes out is first fermented in large
barrels, sometimes with the help of yeast. After this first stage of fermentation fires are built under the barrels
in order to bring the liquid to a boil and pass the resulting vapor through a
copper pipe within cooling barrels, where it condenses and drips into sieved
jars. The boiled juice then undergoes a second stage of fermentation. The
resulting spirit is between 40 and 50% alcohol by volume.

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